About Us
www.inkjet.ie is the product of the vision of Derek Foster. in 2004, having grown tired of paying what he perceived was way too much for ink for his printer, Derek started looking for alternatives; there weren’t any. And thus www.inkjet.ie was born.
We have the facilities to handle 100% of our product fulfillment. This means that we make our own inventory purchases, thus insuring that we only purchase from the most reliable suppliers of the highest quality cartridges. In addition to performing 100% of our product fulfillment, we have also built an in-house Customer Service Staff because we believe that an in-house staff is far more dedicated to satisfying your needs. And after several years of hard work, we are extremely proud of the friendly and knowledgeable in-house staff that we have assembled.
We know how to do the job quickly and efficiently ensuring you will receive speedy delivery; Indeed, most orders are actually shipped out the very day they are received. As the industry leader we can bring all this to you at very substantial savings, usually 40% to 70% off the typical retail price found at your local discount office supply super-store. We are very proud to be part of the team Derek has assembled to serve you and we thank you for shopping at www.inkjet.ie.